
Maharana pratap episode 308
Maharana pratap episode 308

The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing cumin are advised to irrigate the crop with drip system at 0.6 PEF for getting higher yield and net return which saves 12.4% water. Response of cumin to drip irrigation and integrated nutrient management The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting groundnut ( kharif)-chickpea ( rabi) cropping sequence under organic farming are recommended to apply FYM (1.25 t/ha) + castor cake (139 kg/ha) to groundnut and vermicompost (667 kg/ha) + castor cake (222 kg/ha) to chickpea in furrow before sowing for securing higher net realization and maintaining soil fertility.ġ. Evaluation of potentiality of organic farming for groundnut ( kharif)-chickpea ( rabi) cropping sequence The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing summer cluster bean are recommended to sow the crop in second week of February at 45 cm x 15 cm spacing for obtaining higher yield and net realization.Ĥ.

maharana pratap episode 308

Effect of sowing time and spacing on summer clusterbean The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting groundnut ( kharif)-onion ( rabi) cropping sequence are recommended to apply 50% RDF (6.25-25 N-P 2O 5 kg/ha) for groundnut and 37.5-60-50 N-P 2O5-K 2O kg/ha for onion + 50% RDN as FYM to groundnut (1250 kg/ha) and onion (7500 kg/ha) for securing higher groundnut equivalent yield and net realization along with maintenance of soil fertility.įarmers interested in adopting Groundnut ( kharif) - Onion ( rabi) cropping sequence under organic farming are recommended to follow nutrient management system as 50% RDN as FYM (12 kg FYM/ha for groundnut ( kharif) and onion ( rabi), respectively) + biofertilizer ( Rhizobium / Azotobacter 1250 ml/ha) for N + rock phosphate to meet P requirement of crops (100 kg/ha in groundnut and 600 kg/ha in onion) + PSB (1250 ml/ha) for higher groundnut equivalent yield and net income along with maintenance of soil fertility.ģ.

maharana pratap episode 308

Development of organic farming packages for system based high value crops (Groundnut-Onion) The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sweet corn in summer season are recommended to apply atrazine 500 g/ha (50% WP 20 g/10 L) as pre-emergence followed by one interculturing and hand weeding at 40 DAS for effective weed management along with higher yield and net realization.Ģ.

maharana pratap episode 308

Integrated weed management in summer sweet corn

Maharana pratap episode 308